Sector: Division of Basic Medical Sciences I
Clinic/Laboratory: Department of Medical Physics
Sector: Division of Basic Medical Sciences I
Department of Medical Physics, School of Medicine, University of Patras, 26504 Patras, Greece Β21, 2nd floor, West wing of the PreClinical Faculty Building
TEL: +302610969131
EMAIL: panayiot@upatras.gr
Summary of Curriculum Vitae
George Panayiotakis is Professor of Medical Physics, Director of the Laboratory of Medical Physics of University of Patras, Director at the Medical Radiation Physics Unit of the University Hospital of Patras and Director of the Postgraduate Programme of studies in Medical Radiation Physics of the University of Patras.
His research interests lie in the field of Medical Radiation Physics and specifically medical image quality and quality assurance, quality control and dosimetry of diagnostic systems, study of phosphor materials used in medical radiation detectors, simulation of medical imaging systems using Monte Carlo techniques, as well as medical image analysis. He is the Coordinator of the Intra-University Research Network in Medical Radiation Physics-MRP. He has over 200 publications in international peer reviewed journals and also over 300 presentations in international conferences. His scientific work is internationally recognized (h-index 28). He has co-authored two books and eight book chapters (5 in English and 3 in Greek). He is or has served as member of the editorial board of the international journals (The British Journal of Radiology, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, World Journal of Radiology, Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications, The Open Spine Journal, The Open Orthopaedics Journal) and reviewer in numerous international scientific journals. Furthermore, he is Chairman of the five-member Committee of the National Ministry of Health for the certification of Medical Radiation Physicists. He was the Rector of the University of Patras (2010-2014) and President of the Patras Scientific Park (2013-2014).