How to Apply


Applicants are eligible for admittance and registration in the Program after an open call.

For entry into the Postgraduate Program a Call of Interest is published with the recommendation of the Steering Committee (SC) and the decision from the Interdepartmental Committee (SIC) for the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program. For each academic year the deadline for submitting applications and supporting documents must be no later than September.

The University of Patras publishes the Call of Interest  which then falls under  the responsibility of the Department of Medicine.

The selection is completed by the end of September.

Candidates must apply online.

For more information:

-Secretariat of Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program of Studies in Medical Physics – Radiation Physics, Ground Floor – West Wing, Building of Preclinical Functional, School of Medicine, University of Patras, GR-265 04 Greece, Telephone: +30-2610969106

-Official Web Site of the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program of Studies in Medical Physics–Radiation Physics

-Official Web Site of Medical Department of University of Patras:

-Official Web Site of Physics Department of University of Patras:

-Official Web Site of University of Patras:

-E-mail List of University of Patras :


Entry Requirements

Candidates must  hold a Degree in Physics, Mathematics, Applied Physics & Mathematics (School of Applied Physical and Mathematical Sciences), Medicine, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Radiological Technology, or an equivalent and corresponding National or International Degree, in accordance with Greek legislation.

The maximum annual numbers of available positions are 20, while no fees are required.